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  • Promoting Health Behavior Change: Practical Application of the Transtheoretical Model

Promoting Health Behavior Change: Practical Application of the Transtheoretical Model

  • 10 Dec 2012
  • 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Century House, Latham, NY


  • Note: Purchasing or renewing a membership online allows you to immediately access the member rate.
  • NYSPHA members who are current through December 10, 2012 may register at this reduced rate.

    Note: Renewing or purchasing a new membership online immediately allows you to register at the member rate.
  • Full time graduate or undergraduate students may register at this reduced rate. Please bring current student ID to event.

Registration is closed

Download the full registration brochure here.

Program Description: 


The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) uses stages of change to describe the processes people go through when trying to make a behavior change. 


This workshop takes an in-depth look at the relationships among: stages of change, processes of change, decisional balance, situational confidence and self-efficacy in the behavior change process.

Led by nationally known Dr. Kerry Evers, staff member and researcher with Dr. James Prochaska, co-creator of TTM.

This workshop will be of interest to individuals working with people who are attempting to change high risk behaviors and is geared towards: health educators, counselors, physicians, psychologists, EAP counselors, nurses, case managers, nutritionists and others working in the health field.

By the end of the training, the health professional will be able to:

  1. Understand and describe the characteristics of people in each stage of change.
  2. Describe the four major constructs of the TTM.
  3. Describe concrete strategies that can be used to facilitate stage progression.
  4. Set stage-matched goals for clients/patients.

Registration fee includes morning coffee/tea, materials, continuing education credits (CHES/MCHES) and lunch.

New York State Public Health Association

PO Box 38127
Albany, NY 12203
Tel: 518.427.5835

© New York State Public Health Association, a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization.

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