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Our most recent New York State and Local  Policy/Advocacy Actions and Alerts

2025 Local Policy/Advocacy Action and Alerts

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2024 Local Policy/Advocacy Actions and Alerts

6/11/2024 - NYSPHA sent a letter to Adrienne Adams, NY City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams, Health committee chair Lynn Schulman and Mental Health committee chair Linda Lee, copying Mayor Adams and City Budget Director Jiha, protesting the $75 million cuts to the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene's budget.  Click <here> to read the letter.

5/21/2024 – NYSPHA signed on to a letter to Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie urging the Assembly to pass A.4592B/S.2016B, NY HEAT Act. Click <here> to read the letter.

3/21/2024 – NYSPHA signed on to a letter to Governor Hochul urging in support of a $100/month minimum SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefit in the FY 2025 Enacted State Budget.  Click <here> to read the letter.

March 2024  NYSPHA PAC asked its members living in the city of Albany to weigh in with their City Council members in support of a proposal to fluoridate the city’s drinking water.  The proposal did pass the City Council and was signed by the mayor. The system will be installed over the next year. 

2/29/2024  NYSPHA joined 69 other statewide organizations in signing on to a urging DEC and NYSERDA to incorporate buildings sector emissions limits in their cap-and-invest program proposal put forth in compliance with the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA).  Click <here> to read the letter.

2/15/2024 – NYSPHA sent a letter to the Senate and Assembly Health and Environmental Conservation Committee chairs urging them to restore critically needed funding for the NYS Children’s Environmental Health Centers (NYSCHECK) in the FY25-26 one-house budget bills.  Click here to read the letter.

2/15/2024 – NYSPHA joined 32 other New York-based organizations in signing on to a letter to New York legislators urging them to cosponsor a bill to close enforcement loopholes to end the youth e-cigarettes epidemic in New York State (S.8531, Hoylman-Sigal/ A.9110, Rosenthal) and to include it in their one-house budget bills.  Click <here> to read the letter.

2/14/2024 – NYSPHA signed onto a letter sponsored by the End Medical Debt Coalition to the Legislative leaders urging that they adopt and improve upon Governor Hochul’s proposed FY25 budget provisions reforming the State Hospital Financial Assistance Law by incorporating the following additional protections outlined in S.1366B|A.6027A (the Ounce of Prevention Act) and A.8170|S.7778 (the Stop SUNY Suing Act) into the one-house budget proposals. Click <here> to read the letter.

2/9/2024 – NYSPHA signed on to a letter to NYS legislators sponsored by the Physicians’ Committee on Responsible Medicine in support of S996 (Hoylman-Sigal) / A3708 (Rajkumar) to ensure public schools in New York provide plant-based meal options upon request. Click <here> to read the letter.

1/19/2024 – NYSPHA signed onto a memo of support by the Climate and Resilience Education Task Force for Bill S278A/A1559A to establish a curriculum and learning expectations on climate education in all of New York State’s public elementary and secondary schools. Click <here> to read the memo of support.

To read the past NYSPHA New York State Policy, Advocacy and Alerts, click here

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New York State Public Health Association

PO Box 38127
Albany, NY 12203
Tel: 518.427.5835

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