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  • Butt Stops Here Facilitator Training

Butt Stops Here Facilitator Training

  • 13 Apr 2011
  • 9:00 AM - 3:59 PM
  • Genesee Grande Hotel, 1060 Genesee St, Syracuse NY
  • 13


  • Not a member? Register at the non-member rate and receive a coupon code for one year of membership with NYSPHA at half price!

    Registration cost includes the pre-conference workshop for the Butt Stops Here Facilitator Training on April 13, 2011, all materials and lunch.
  • Registration for the pre-conference workshop the Butt Stops Here Facilitator Training. Materials and lunch included in regustration fee.

Registration is closed

An in-depth course that includes didactic presentations, case studies and group demonstration. 

At the completion of this training, you will be certified to conduct Butt Stops Here smoking cessation support groups and one-on-one interventions; you will understand the effects of nicotine on the brain and why people smoke; and you will have a full understanding of the seven first-line pharmacotherapies for treating tobacco dependence.

 Training conducted by the Center for Smoking Cessation at Seton Health.

This workshop has been approved for the following:

  • 6 continuing education credits for dentists by the New York State Dental Foundation and for dental hygienists’ by the Dental Hygienists’ Association of the State of New York.
  •  6 Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES) Category I continuing education contact hours (CECH) by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc.
Workshop seating is limited to 25 people.....register today!

New York State Public Health Association

PO Box 38127
Albany, NY 12203
Tel: 518.427.5835

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