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  • Becoming an Asthma Educator

Becoming an Asthma Educator

  • 06 May 2010
  • 8:30 AM - 3:59 PM
  • Holiday Inn, 232 Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY


  • Registration to the pre-conference workshop on Becoming an Asthma Educator and Care Manager on May 6, 2010. Registration fee includes materials and lunch.
  • Registration for the pre-conference workshop on Becoming an Asthma Educator and Care Manager. Materials and lunch included in regustration fee.

Registration is closed

“Becoming an Asthma Educator” is an in-depth course that includes didactic presentations, an interactive problem based learning case study and an up-to-date device workshop. 

This course is based on the 2007 NHLBI EPR-3 and the 2003 Global Initiative for Asthma Guidelines for the management of asthma. 

At the completion of this program, you will understand the trends in asthma prevalence, morbidity and mortality; the goals of asthma management; and you will be able to relate the risk factors that predispose patients to develop exacerbations and patho-physiology. 

The next four components of the class include assessment and diagnosis; control of factors that contribute to asthma; pharmacologic management; and education for a partnership – all related to the role of the asthma clinician and the educator. 

Finally, using problem based learning, the class will discuss several case studies of patients with asthma.

New York State Public Health Association

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Albany, NY 12203
Tel: 518.427.5835

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