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Please join us for the first Express Yourself For Public Health Event, a crossover event with the Mental Health Webinar Series!
This is a stressful and uncertain time for public health. We know that many of you are feeling the effects of this, both personally and professionally. At NYSPHA, we are taking efforts to bring our community together in solidarity to support each other. Join us for an informal discussion to share how you're feeling and affected and learn how others are feeling, affected, coping, and moving forward considering current constraints. You can join us at the start of the hour or drop in whenever you'd like during the hour. We will likely use breakout rooms to give everyone the chance to talk and to meet new people.
New York State Public Health Association
PO Box 38127 Albany, NY 12203 Tel: 518.427.5835 Email:
© New York State Public Health Association, a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization.
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